De Angelis Makes GTD Pro Debut

September 24, 2024

Indianapolis, IN

Roman De Angelis and the Heart of Racing Team were t the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship’s Battle on the Bricks at Indianapolis MotorSpeedway on Sunday where they were able to finish in sixth place. Mario Farnbacherjoined De Angelis in the #27 car for the first time this season as the duocompeted in the GTD Pro Category. This was De Angelis’ first time in the GTDPro division.

De Angelis took on qualifying duties for the team on Saturdayand was able to put together a lap good enough for a seventh place startingposition on the grid. De Angelis started Sunday’s race and immediately moved upa position into sixth. After a pit stop during a caution moved the team backinto 10th place, De Angelis moved through the field over the remainderof his stint to pass over the car to Farnbacher in fourth position.  Farnbacher dealt with some fuel saving duringhis stints before turning the car back over to De Angelis is sixth. De Angelisthen maintained the team’s position to cross the checkered flag in sixth.

“It was my first weekend in GTD PRO,” said De Angelis. “Thewhole team did a great job. We ended up fifth and sixth with both cars, which Ithink is a good result. I had lots of fun in the first first few stints in thewet. I also was able to get to race with some great drivers. I had some reallygood, strong battles and felt really good about the performance. We struggled abit in the last stint with pace. We hope to come back a bit stronger at Petitand hopefully get the team their championship.”


The final race of the IMSA season will be October 10th to 12th at Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta.


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Roman De Angelis is a multi-time champion racing driver from Windsor, Ontario Canada. In 2024 he's piloting the #23 Heart of Racing / Aston Martin Racing, Aston Martin Vantage GT3 in the IMSA Weathertech Sportscar Championship GTD division. For inquiries, please contact
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